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[请教] 已获得Skilled Migrant Work Visa, 无法履行申请时的job offer,该怎么办

 happypetitelulu 11/Oct/18 Canada
 2627  1
happypetitelulu楼主 11/Oct/18 Canada

最近拿到了Skilled Migrant Work Visa, 但是却开始了新一波的发愁。。。

由于当时申请时使用了job offer的加分,所以我的visa是有condition的,condition要求如下:

Section 49(1) conditions

Your resident visa is subject to the following section 49(1) conditions: You must take up your offer of skilled employment within three months of your first entry to New Zealand as a resident. You must then remain in that employment for at least 3 months.

You must provide us evidence that you have met these conditions within five years of your first entry to New Zealand as a resident. Evidence must include a letter on company letterhead from your employer and evidence of salary payments for the entire 3 months you were required to stay in your employment.

If you fail to meet the section 49(1) conditions, you may become liable for deportation under section 159(1)(a) of the Immigration Act 2009.

而今,由于种种原因,我无法真的到给我出具job offer的公司工作了,这种情况大家是否有过经验,入境后如果我可以找到同样行业,title,薪酬的offer,是否可以以新的job offer remove掉这个condtion呢,求大神解答该如何处理!!!


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alewaterL2 12/Oct/18 Hongkong
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