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[请教] 开始nzqa学历评估,这段英文不能准确理解!

 diegeL6 04/Jun/19 China
 3285  1
diegeL6楼主 04/Jun/19 China
Documents required for an International Qualification Assessment (IQA)
Discription of required documents
Evidence of apprenticeship or trade experience:
If you completed a formal apprenticeship, send QRS the contract of apprenticeship. This would have been issued to you by your employer, and will include the dates you started and completed the apprenticeship.
QRS cannot assess stand-alone work experience and/or competency-based certificates. Depending on the pathway of the trade qualification, NZQA may not be the appropriate body to assess your skill set, abilities and/or competency in a specific area of trade.
Evidence of underpinning qualifications: If you nominate a qualification for assessment that is at a higher level than a bachelor's degree but not the qualifications that underpin it, we need to see the educational pathway that allowed entry to that higher-level programme. For example, if you wish to have a master's degree evaluated, but not your bachelor's degree, we need information about the bachelor's degree. You can do this by uploading scanned copies of that qualification certificate as part of your online application.

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Repliers (1)
jerodli 04/Jun/19 China
Skip, 工作经验填写相关介绍, 但不用写, 因为NZQA里写了也没用, 最后如需要工作经验加分还是要EOI case by case check.
diegeL6楼主 (05/Jun/19, China)

@jerodli: 谢谢了!

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