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[请教] 到最后我还是决定提交申请了

 晴天 07/Apr/12 China
 10826  1
晴天楼主 07/Apr/12 China
1)网上填EOI,需要在空白的地方全都填上 N/A吗?如果全填上的话有些validation过不了。
3)A8 问题是要提供出生证的号码,但我发现我的出生证没号码的,这一项需要怎么填写。
A8. Please provide your Birth Certificate number and the name of the issuing authority.
4)需要填上国内的Social Security number嘛?
5)下面是A18 和 A19的问题,我在A18可以找到我的工作title,但是在A19找不到software有关的行业,他们不分那么细,那我应该选哪个?
A18. What is your main occupation?
Selected Value: 261313 Software Engineer *
What industry is your main job in i.e. the main activity of the place where you work?
L783200 Information Storage and Retrieval Services
L783300 Computer Maintenance Services
L783400 Computer Consultancy Services
6)我在外企做软件开发的 (银行类的系统 主要是 JAVA + JSP),刚够六年的工作经验。你可以给点建议下面的问题应该怎么填写最合适吗?
Please indicate why you believe this work experience should be recognised. (For example, it is relevant to your recognised qualification, or your skilled employment)

扫描二维码 手机查看本贴
Repliers (1)
Jack LiuL9 13/Apr/12 Intranet
1. You must complete all the questions in the form, unless the form specifically directs you straight to another question or section further on. If a question does not apply to you, mark it 'N/A' or 'not applicable'.
2. ITA后或移民局调查过程中做补充。
3. 可以填写身份证号码。
4. 中国没有SSN,此项留空。
5. L783200
6. 描述中注意要声明你符合紧缺表中第三栏的附加要求,你拥有对口的学历,声明你的工作内容符合ANZSCO中的职位要求等。此项没有固定格式,完整描述清楚即可。

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