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[请教] 请教Jack, 新政下连JSV都没可能吗?

 alexanderok 16/Aug/17 China
 4956  4
alexanderok楼主 16/Aug/17 China

我现年35周岁, 雅思G L6.5, R7, W6, S6.5, NZQA level 9, IPENZ Electrical Engineering and Automation, 11年总部在欧美的500强外企相关工作经验(但是是通信电子研发不是IPENZ认可的电气自动化), 没offer, 没洋学历, 没海外亲戚, 没配偶加分(工作学历好的, 英语不到6.5), 新政下有没有希望JSV啊? 我还没有EOI,我能不能EOI, 什么时候合适, EOI的时候我是按electrical(电气)还是eletronic(电子)?

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Repliers (4)
alexanderok楼主 17/Aug/17 China
移民局公布了: 只给JSV, 不对, 更准确是最多给JSV.

Can my application under the SMC be approved if I do not have skilled employment in New Zealand?

To be approved residence, an applicant needs to have either skilled employment in New Zealand (or an offer of skilled employment), or a Master’s degree or Doctorate gained after two years of study in New Zealand.

If you are assessed as having sufficient points to meet the selection threshold, and you meet health, character and English language requirements, but do not have skilled employment in New Zealand (or a Master’s degree or Doctorate gained after two years of study in New Zealand), we will defer the decision on your application and invite you to apply for a job search visa. This job search visa will allow you to look for skilled employment in New Zealand. The decision on your residence application will be deferred while you look for skilled employment.
Jack LiuL9 25/Aug/17 Intranet
资历没问题, 优先考虑离岸job offer的可能. 关注SEEK上的相关机会. 至于EOI,  新政生效后就可以提交.
zhuquiet 27/Aug/17 China
Jack LiuL9 (28/Aug/17, Intranet)

@zhuquiet: 新政下没有job offer的话现在只批JSV了,但时间肯定比以前要短。(新政以前大部分申请人也是批JSV,但平均要1年才能拿到签证)

zhuquiet 02/Sep/17 China
alexanderok楼主 (12/Sep/17, China)

@zhuquiet: 本人观点, 不喜勿喷, 纯属抛砖引玉.

中国大陆地区, 只要需要学历加分, 只要需要工作经验加分, 无论学校是否在免除名单里面, 为了保险, 最好NZQA和IPENZ都做. 各种移民论坛混了这么久, 还没有听说以上两种认证都不被要求提供的案例.

一旦被邀只有4个月准备时间, 不然又得重新交钱EOI排队, 冒这个风险不值得.

当然个别大牛不在讨论范围内, 人家好多都offshore拿offer的, 没法比.

Jack LiuL9 (15/Sep/17, Intranet)

@zhuquiet: 如果确认是免认证的学位,NZQA可以不用做。另外如果不是工程学位或注册职业的话也可以无需做IPENZ。根据你提供的信息,似乎工作经验和专业不对口(主要是看本科的专业是什么),这样的话就无法满足紧缺的要求,提交后可能会被降分退回池中。以上仅供参考。

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