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[请教] 谢谢您的回复,我还有点不太明白

 deviIray 09/Aug/12 China
 9434  2
deviIray楼主 09/Aug/12 China
您好 jack liu

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Repliers (2)
KL4 09/Aug/12 China
这是其中一种途径,但不是唯一。只要满足SKILLED EMPLOYMENT的定义,就可以申请。

如果你满足以下其中的一条,无需一定要满足LTSSL的要求。以下是移民局对SKILLED EMPLOYMENT的加分说明。CHEF是属于PART A的,所以只贴PART A的内容出来。

First, you need to make sure that the description of your job/job offer substantially matches the description of the occupation (including core tasks) in the ANZSCO.

Then, check if your occupation is in part A, B or C of the List of Skilled Occupations.

Occupation in Part A
If your occupation is listed at Part A of Appendix 6: List of Skilled Occupations, you must also have one of the following.

- A relevant recognised qualification. The qualification must be at, or above, the qualification level on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF) that corresponds to the skill level indicated for that occupation in the ANZSCO.
- The relevant work experience that the ANZSCO indicates may substitute the required qualification.
- The relevant requirements specified in column three of the Long Term Skill Shortage List (LTSSL) for your occupation (if your occupation is included in the LTSSL).
- Five years of relevant work experience in a Skill Level One occupation.

KL4 09/Aug/12 China
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